
The router middleware for PXE.js.


Install @pxe/router.

# NPM npm i @pxe/router # Yarn yarn add @pxe/router


All the router methods, event and declarations.

Constructor: Router

  • root?: string: The root URL

Construct a router. The root is used to run the middlewares if the request URL starts with the root URL.

Method: router.use

  • ...m: Middleware[]: The middleware

Add a middleware to the middleware list. You can add multiple middleware within a single call.

Method: route.handle

  • route: string: The target route path name
  • handler: Router.RouteHandler: The route handler

Register a handler for a specific path name.

Method: route.param

  • route: string: The target route path name
  • handler: Router.RouteHandler: The route handler

The same as route.param, but instead handles dymanic routes.

Method: route.invoke

  • ctx: Server.Context: The server context
  • next: Server.NextFunction: Call the next middleware
  • ...args: any[]: The previous middleware passed arguments

The callback of the router. This can be used as a middleware:

app.use(router.invoke.bind(router)); // Or shorter app.use(router);