The CORS middleware for PXE.js.


Install @pxe/cors.

# NPM npm i @pxe/cors # Yarn yarn add @pxe/cors


All stuff to handle Cross-origin resource sharing.

Contructor: CORS

  • options?: CORS.Options: The options

Construct a CORS middleware.

Method: cors.invoke

  • ctx: Server.Context: The server context
  • next: Server.NextFunction: Call the next middleware
  • ...args: any[]: The previous middleware passed arguments

The callback of the middleware. This can be used as a middleware:

app.use(cors.invoke.bind(cors)); // Or shorter app.use(cors);

CORS Options

All CORS middleware options.

Property: options.allowOrigins

  • Type: string | string[]

Allows the specified origins to make request to the server. By default all origins are allowed.

Property: options.allowMethods

  • Type: string | Server.RequestMethod[]

Allow clients to request to the server with specified request method. By default all methods are allowed.

Property: options.exposeHeaders

  • Type: string | string[]

Expose specified headers to the client. Cache-Control, Content-Length, Content-Language, Content-Type, Expires, Last-Modified, Pragma are headers that is exposed by default.

Property: options.maxAge

  • Type: number

Maximum number of seconds the results can be cached, as an unsigned non-negative integer. The default value is 5.

Property: options.allowCredentials

  • Type: boolean

Indicates whether or not the response to the request can be exposed when the credentials flag is true. When used as part of a response to a preflight request, this indicates whether or not the actual request can be made using credentials.

Property: options.allowHeaders

  • Type: string | string[]

Indicate which HTTP headers can be used when making the actual request. This field is optional.