
The server module for PXE.js.


Install @pxe/server.

# NPM npm i @pxe/server # Yarn yarn add @pxe/server


These are all @pxe/server module methods, events and declarations.

Constructor: Server

Create a server instance.

Method: app.cb

  • req: http.IncomingMessage: The request
  • res: http.ServerResponse: The response

The server callback. Can be used to create HTTP server:

const server = http.createServer(app.cb.bind(app)); // Or even shorter const server = http.createServer(app);

Method: app.use

  • ...m: Middleware[]: The middleware

Add a middleware to the middleware list. You can add multiple middleware within a single call.

Method: app.on

  • event: string: The event name
  • handler: (...args: any[]) => Promise<void> | void: The event listener

Add an listener of an event.

Method: app.emit

  • event: string: The event name
  • ...args: any[]: The parameter to apply to the function call
  • Returns: Promise<void> | void | boolean

Trigger the listener of an event. If the event listener does not exist return false.


  • port?: number: The target port
  • hostname?: string: The target hostname
  • backlog?: number: The backlog
  • listeningListener: Runs when the server finished starting
  • Returns: http.Server

Start a server listening for connections. A short way for calling:

const server = http.createServer(app); server.listen(port, host, backlog, listeningListener);

Method: app.icon

  • path: string: The icon path

Set the icon of the app. On each request with request URL equals /favicon.ico the icon is returned.

Method: app.set

  • Type parameters: T
  • key: string: The key
  • value: T: The value

Save the key value pair to the app storage.

Method: app.get

  • key: string: The key

Get the key value from the app storage.

Event: error

  • err: any: The error
  • ctx: Context: The context object of the current request

Trigger when an error occurred while running the middlewares.

Event: finish

  • ctx: Context: The context object of the current request

Trigger after running all the middlewares. the default event handler is the finishResponse method in finishResponse.ts.

Type: RequestMethod

  • "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "HEAD" | "OPTIONS" | "PATCH" | "CONNECT" | "TRACE"

All the request method.

Type: MIMEType

  • "audio/aac" | "application/x-abiword" | "application/x-freearc" | "image/avif" | "video/x-msvideo" | "application/" | "application/octet-stream" | "image/bmp" | "application/x-bzip" | "application/x-bzip2" | "application/x-csh" | "application/x-cdf" | "text/css" | "text/csv" | "application/msword" | "application/" | "application/gzip" | "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" | "application/epub+zip" | "image/gif" | "text/html" | "image/" | "text/calendar" | "application/java-archive" | "image/jpeg" | "text/javascript" | "application/json" | "application/ld+json" | "audio/midi" | "audio/x-midi" | "audio/mpeg" | "video/mp4" | "application/" | "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation" | "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet" | "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" | "audio/ogg" | "video/ogg" | "application/ogg" | "audio/opus" | "font/otf" | "image/png" | "application/pdf" | "image/svg+xml" | "application/x-httpd-php" | "application/" | "application/vnd.rar" | "application/rtf" | "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation" | "application/x-sh" | "application/x-shockwave-flash" | "application/x-tar" | "image/tiff" | "font/ttf" | "video/mp2t" | "text/plain" | "application/vnd.visio" | "audio/wav" | "audio/webm" | "image/webp" | "font/woff" | "font/woff2" | "application/xhtml+xml" | "application/" | "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" | "application/xml" | "text/xml" | "application/atom+xml" | "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml" | "application/zip" | "video/3gpp" | "audio/3gpp" | "video/3gpp2" | "audio/3gpp2" | "application/x-7z-compressed" | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

All the common MIME types.

Interface: Middleware

  • ctx: Context: The current request context
  • next: NextFunction: The function that calls the next middleware
  • ...args: any[]: The arguments passed by the previous middleware

The middleware type.

Interface: NextFunction

  • ..args: any[]: The arguments to pass to the next middleware

The next function type.

Interface: Context

All the properties of a ctx object.


All the properties of ctx.request.

Property: request.raw
  • Type: http.IncomingMessage

The raw HTTP request object. This property is read-only.

Property: request.method
  • Type: Server.RequestMethod

The request method. This property is read-only.

Property: request.url
  • Type: string

This property is read-only. The request URL.

Property: request.headers
  • Type: http.IncomingHttpHeaders

This property is read-only. Parsed request headers.

Property: request.body
  • Type: Promise<any>

Get the request body.

Property: request.query
  • Type: Record<string, string>

This property is read-only. The parsed request query.


All the properties and methods of ctx.response.

Property: response.raw
  • Type: http.ServerResponse

The raw HTTP response object. This property is read-only.

Property: response.body
  • Type: any

The response body. Modify this to modify the response. If response.body, response.status.code and response.status.message are not set a 404 error is returned to the client.

Property: response.type
  • Type: Server.MIMEType

The content type of the response. If this property is not set the content type is chosen base on the response.

Property: response.status
  • Properties:
    • code?: number: The status code.
    • message?: string: The status message.

Set the status code and status message. This property is read-only.

Property: response.headers
  • Type: Record<string, string | readonly string[] | number>

Set the response headers. This property is read-only.

You cannot directly set the headers using response.headers = ....

Instead use Object.assign(response.headers, ...).

Method: response.redirect
  • url: string: The target URL
  • permanent?: boolean: Whether this redirect is a permanent redirect or not

Redirect to different URL.


All the properties and methods of ctx.cookie.

Property: cookie.options
  • Type: Server.CookieOptions

The cookie options.

Property: cookie.value
  • Type: string

The cookie value in string. Modify this property to modify the cookie value.

Method: cookie.remove

Remove the cookie. After this call cookie.value cannot be used to set cookie value and cookie.removed is set to true.

Property: cookie.removed
  • Type: boolean

Check whether the request cookie is removed.

Property: cookie.iv
  • Type: Buffer

The cookie initialization vector.

Property: cookie.key
  • Type: string

The cookie generated secret key.