Content security policy middleware for PXE.js.


Install @pxe/csp.

# NPM npm i @pxe/csp # Yarn yarn add @pxe/csp


These are all @pxe/csp declarations.

Constructor: CSP

  • options?: CSP.Options: The CSP header options.

Create a CSP middleware.

Method: csp.invoke

  • ctx: Server.Context: The server context
  • next: Server.NextFunction: Call the next middleware
  • ...args: any[]: The previous middleware passed arguments

The callback of the middleware. This can be used as a middleware:

app.use(csp.invoke.bind(csp)); // Or shorter app.use(csp);

Type: FetchDirective

  • "child" | "connect" | "font" | "frame" | "img" | "manifest" | "media" | "object" | "prefetch" | "script" | "style" | "worker"

All basic fetch directives.

Type: SrcValue

  • boolean | string | string[]

The value of any key in options.src.

Interface: Options

The CSP options.

Property: options.report

  • Type: string

The report URI.

Property: options.src

  • Type: { [key in FetchDirective]?: SrcValue } & { [key: string]: SrcValue }

This object contains all fetch directives.